Tuesday, February 3, 2015

It's been a week

since I last posted to this blog.

Life has been the same.  Good sometimes.  Not good other times.  I'm getting by, or trying to at any rate.

Have been keeping up with my Disney movies.  I'm to the Renaissance years now, and the movies are all really good so watching them has been great, but writing about them has been murder.  I don't know why... maybe because I do like them so much.  Tomorrow is Hunchback, which I don't have on DVD, so I'll be back to netflix.  Which kinda sucks because sometimes (most of the time) netflix plays really laggy and pixelated on my laptop.  Sigh.

The thing I hadn't done in a couple of days?  I did it ten times today.  It's like I wasn't even trying... but I was.  I swear.

I also had a bit of a crying spell today.  Don't even know where it came from.

Oh, and this was interesting.  I had a nightmare last night.  I was back in school (I couldn't tell if it was high school or college, but at my age what's the difference, they're equally ridiculous) and I was inside a building.  It looked like there was like a science fair or something like that going on?  Idk.  And then all of a sudden this weird bat creatures came out of the ceiling.  They had bat heads on spider bodies, but they were the size of cats.  And then were diving on people attacking them.  So everyone was trying to get out of the building but the doors were all far from where I was.  So I was running, and I had my sweater like pulled up over my head.  Bits of plaster were starting to rain down from the ceiling so I had my mouth clamped tight and my lips kind of sucked in.  Suddenly, as I was running, one of the bat creatures flew into me and was trying to bite my side.  I screamed, but with my mouth close.  That was when I woke up with a start, and I head myself screaming as I woke up, only my mouth was clamped shut like in the dream so hardly any sound came out.  It was so weird and creepy and it took me ages to be okay to fall back asleep.  What could that even mean?

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