Monday, December 1, 2014

It's December

I finished NaNo the day before yesterday.  And it was a pretty nice feeling.  Not as good as the first time I did it.  I don't feel like the people around me were all that excited for me either, because I've done it before so it's assumed I'll do it again.  Which, yeah.  Having faith in me is awesome.  Not recognizing an accomplishment as an accomplishment is less awesome.  But what are you gonna do.

I also bought some American Girl stuff on the Cyber Monday sale last night, so that was exciting.  There's never really enough money to get fun stuff, so this is a special treat.  Their website was so fucked up though hopefully the order actually went through.

It was pretty great that I started today pretty high.  But because it's me, that didn't last, and now I'm kinda low.  I've probably improved some since my mood first dropped, but meh.  I'm actually just really lonely, and I wish I wasn't.  My eyes immediately start to well up every time I think about being lonely, but the thought does cross my mind and I'm not great at stopping it.  Oh well.

I don't remember if I mentioned last time I posted that Pluto hurt himself, broke his toenail and had been limping around on that foot a lot.  Well, on Friday we took him to the vet and on Sunday the toenail fell off and he's been much better.  It's healing now.

I'm hoping to be able to motivate myself to get into the Christmas spirit this year.  Last year I really tried, but it just didn't really happen.  I want this year to be much merrier, if possible.  Maybe I should start my Christmas movies soon.  I did see Miracle on 34th Street on Thanksgiving, but I think I need more.

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