Tuesday, December 16, 2014


It's getting again to where I'm really up and down.  I'll be great -- so great! -- and then I crash and I'm super low and wondering why I'm even still alive.  Sometimes the shift in mood is caused by something (either something legitimate or something minor) or it'll just happen for no apparent reason.  I can barely keep up with it sometimes.  I'm also getting back to the point where I'm crying one or more times a day.  But you know what?  Didn't cry once today (except for tearing up a little over Superman, which doesn't count).  I'm proud.

I've had trouble getting into the Christmas spirit lately.  It's been like that the last few years.  I'm trying though, but meh.  I've been trying to watch some Christmas movies and specials, which usually helps but you know.  It has helped somewhat, but still.

I also don't know if I mentioned on here before, but I won a raffle prize when I went to Bakersfield Comic-Con.  Still haven't received it and have officially sworn off raffles.

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