Sunday, January 5, 2020

DYRC19/Merry Misfits Book Club November: Edgar Allen Poe: The Complete Tales and Poems

New year, same old me.  Here I am, months after the fact, writing a book post for y'all… knowing full well that no one was waiting for this, lol.  Anyways, the theme for DYRC in November was poetry, and the theme for the Merry Misfits was short story.  I was deciding on this book during October, the spookiest month of the year... I dressed as the Phantom of the Opera for Halloween, and there's a scene in that book where the Phantom dresses in a Poe cosplay lol, so it all added up to me picking this Poe collection (which I got in ebook format for my Kindle tablet for like $1).

Full disclosure: I didn't read this entire thing.  But to be fair, that's not the point of a complete works type of book.  Those are meant to be read as you please -- pick and choose pieces, read out of order, read in order but skip things if you want... it doesn't matter.  I read two of the short stories and a selection of the poems.  Obviously, Poe is an incredibly talented and important writer -- you don't need me to explain that to you.  I will say, I enjoyed everything I read here.  The stories I picked ("The Masque of the Red Death" and "The Cask of Amontillado") were great, but you really can't go wrong.  The poetry, of course, was wonderful too.  The great thing about a collection like this is that I can revisit it whenever I want and read another story or a couple more poems.  There's enough material there that even if you do want to read it straight through from beginning to end you won't run out of stuff to read for a while.

Here is my goodreads review.  It's only one sentence, lol.

I read this book between November 7th and (according to Goodreads) December 22.  I don't know if that date is accurate, I don't remember reading any of this that recently.  But whatever... like I said, I just sort of picked and chose what I read, so it doesn't necessarily matter.

Would I recommend this book? Of course.

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