Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Clever Title Goes Here

I don't really remember what happened this week (besides yesterday, which I'll get to in a minute).  I was going to say I watched Parks and Rec, but I think that was last week.  I worked on a character of mine and got her more or less tweaked to where I want her.  I'm actually really happy about that, so go me.  I was going to write, just get something out and try to finish something, but it still hasn't happened.  And since no one is reading this blog, I can just admit this: it terrifies me.  It scares the hell out of me when I can't write for an extended period of time.  I'm not good at much, and writing is at least something I'm sorta good at it... and I like it.  I had finally started to feel like I was growing as a writer.  But if I can't write, what's the point?  Why am I even still here without that?  What the hell good am I to anyone?  None.  None whatsoever.

That got really negative.  I'm sorry.

Anyways, yesterday!  Yesterday was good.  I went to Disneyland.  =)  I Disneybounded Maleficent and I feel like I looked cute too.  My eye makeup was so on point though.  I put this matte, grass green shade on my lids and then i took a shimmery lavender color and used that on my brow bone and upper lid area.  The purple and green overlapped but I didn't blend.  The line was very soft because of the brush I used.  I really love that eyeshadow brush.  It's this kind, though not a MAC brand because I'm poor.  Anyways, we had a fun day.  We rode Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean, two rides I hadn't been on in quite a while.  I got some new pins and a new Mickey Mouse doll dressed as Burt from Mary Poppins.  He's so cute!

And also, yeah.  I've been having an appetite lately.  It's interesting though.  I had been getting one meal a day (sometimes and a snack), unless I was around people.  Lately I've been eating shortly after I wake up and actually feeling hungry again later, so I've had to have more to eat.  My stomach still has trouble sometimes (it actually got feeling really funny after breakfast yesterday and it got upset after I had had lunch and later some mango slices) but at least my appetite is trying to come around.  Like right now.  I had breakfast earlier and now it's almost five and I'm hungry.

So yeah.

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