Monday, August 11, 2014

is a title necessary for every post?

I don't know where I am right now.  Like, not physically obviously... I mean I don't know where I am emotionally or how I got here.  Because believe it or not, there was a point there when I was doing better... but I'm getting bad again, going downhill so quickly.  Like I'm on a fucking slippery slope and there's no way to stop, not even if I drag my feet.

Everything makes me sad.  Everything makes me mad.  I don't even have the energy to carry on acting like I'm okay.  I feel so fucking alone, and I know I have people, but I feel like I've drained them of all their compassion already and if I try to go back for more, there's not going to be anything there.  And that's not even a reflection of them in most cases.  It's me, it's always me, and my inability to fucking socialize or do anything but worry about my own pissant little fucking problems.

How did I get here?  And more importantly, where are the directions out of here?

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