Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I wonder...

Sometimes I wonder why I bother at all. With anything really. I'm strange, sad little person. I don't fit in well. My life is devoid of most aspects of socializing. I have two friends that I actually ever hang out with, and one of them only wants me when all her other friends are busy. I have no romantic prospects. It would curl your hair to know how long it's been since I was in a relationship. I don't have backbone... I see a guy and think he's cute, the last thing I'd do is talk to him. It's all bordering on pathetic.

I'm lonely. All the time. You have no idea.

Am I too old to experience another extended period of ennui?


  1. LOL, definitely not too old. I do so all the time.

    If it makes you feel better, I've never been in a relationship. ^_^ Almost entirely by choice though, which is different I suppose.

  2. There's nothing more helpful than knowing I'm not the only one, lol.

    Thanks =)
