Saturday, July 27, 2019

DYRC 19 July: Crazy Cat Lady by Agnes Loonstra and Ester Scholten

The theme for July was humor.  I wanted something quick (since I've been so dreadfully behind in this challenge) and fun (since that fits the theme, lol, but also just fits what my stressed out ass needs).  I looked through the humor section of Goodreads and eventually settled on Crazy Cat Lady.

So this book honestly is kind of cheating for a reading challenge, because it's mostly pictures.  I'm counting it though because it IS in the humor category, and I did really enjoy it.  But it's full of fun art, cute trivia and relatable cat facts, and it has stickers in the back.  It's kind of like the type of book you'd get someone as a gift if you knew they liked cats but didn't know much else about them, lol, but it was still fun and enjoyable.

Here is my Goodreads review.  It doesn't say much because there isn't much to say.

I read this book on July 24th while I was at jury duty.  Lucky it was so short, because I ended up getting called into court with the first group of people and didn't have all day to sit and read, like I'd hoped, lol.

Would I recommend this book? Yes, but only to other crazy cat ladies, lol.

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