Saturday, November 3, 2018

I did it again

You may have noticed that I haven't posted about my October book.  I got behind again.  What with work, the online class, social commitments and other plans, plus not having a lot of energy (thanks depression! and also.... thanks life!) and not really feeling like reading as much when I was free, I haven't made as much progress as I planned.  I did actually end up spending a lot of my reading time in the last few weeks reading Halloween themed comics to get me in the mood for Halloween.  Plus, I bought them on sale on comixology recently, so I wanted to actually read them so I wouldn't feel bad about spending the money, lol.  But yeah, so... once again, I'm late on finishing this book.  It's not anything to do with the actual book (I'm enjoying that immensely) life just happens, unfortunately.  I'm also holding off on my actual book log post until I have the book finished.  I did start it in October, so I want to list it on my August-October book log post... and I don't feel right listing it if I haven't finished it yet, lol.  I had only been doing two months per post, but since things have been eh lately I haven't read as much as usual, so it would have been even shorter than it unfortunately is.  I go through phases recently where I either read voraciously or not at all.  I'm reading a little, but not enough... and the sheer amount of library book and whatnot I want to get through is intimidating me and making me read less.  Anxiety kicks in, lol.  So.... I'm fighting life as well as my own shitty brain.  But I love reading, I don't want to lose that hobby or that love, due to depression or fucking anything else... and reading a lot is one of the things that makes you a better writer.  So I will read as much as I can, but I also need to learn to lower my expectations, and not make it seem like a chore.  It's a gift... and I'm grateful.

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