Monday, December 21, 2015

why it's okay to give people the attention they so obviously want

You know sometimes you feel like "no one cares about me."  And then you chastise yourself for it, because it's not true.  You know it's not.  Even if you're not surrounded by friends and family, there will always be someone.  Unless you're a truly horrible person, you wish others well... and that's proof that everyone has someone who cares.  But when that's how you feel, it's hard to tell yourself otherwise.  You can get mad at yourself for saying it and then you tell yourself things like, "see how ungrateful you are?  That's why no one likes you."

But anyways, lol...

I remember why I actually started writing this post.  The topic of attention seeking.  I've been really scared of being seen as seeking attention, which is why I post most of my long posts about my emotions HERE rather than on facebook, where I have a couple hundred people on my friends list, or tumblr, where I have a lot(ish) of followers... or even on twitter (where I have just enough followers).  No one (or very, very few people) read this blog, so I feel more able to be open.  There's such a stigma around the whole idea of seeking attention.  Like it makes you a bad person or something, or self-centered or something.

But... maybe when you see someone doing or saying something you think is because they want attention, maybe a more productive thing to do would be to wonder why they want attention.  Are they lonely?  Because loneliness is crushing, and maybe it's easier for them to make posts online than to address someone directly.  Maybe they're scared of whatever they're feeling and they want reassurance that others have dealt with the same thing and got past it.  Maybe they're in need of support because those immediately around them aren't offering them enough.  Maybe they've done something cool and want to be recognized for it.  In those cases, they usually deserve it.  Maybe they do just want it for no reason, but I mean doesn't everyone feel like that every once in a while?

Maybe instead of being an asshole and assuming the worst, and ignoring people to teach them a lesson because you obviously know their situation more than they do, be kind.  Be understanding.  Engage.  At the very least, give a pity like.

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