Saturday, March 7, 2015

Writing is hard

Sometimes with writing, I get these ideas, and they practically burn me on the inside until I get them out.  I sit down and don't start writing until I've got a bunch of words written.  Those stories tend to turn out pretty good.

That, however, is very rare,

Sometimes I feel like "ahh yes, I want to write" and I sit down and try to do it, but nothing comes out.

This, unfortunately, is more common.

Since depression started kicking me in the teeth, I'll either get the feeling I should write or I'm expected to write... or I'll try to tell myself "it's now or never, so you better make it now."  And then when nothing comes out, I feel like dying.  Like literally dying.

This is me today.

I have all these idea-lets.  Not quite fully formed ideas, but like, little plot bunnies.  Perfect for headcanons, but not whole stories.  But I want to write.  Today was a great day and I felt wonderful and I wanted to write, but nothing happened.  Why can't I just turn on inspiration?  What kind of writer am I really if I can only write when the stars line up just so?

This long whiny rant was easy to write.  Why is fiction so much harder?

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