Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Unpopular Opinions: You bet I do!

So, earlier I was thinking about something I think about (you know, metacognition) when I realized that I hold a lot of really unpopular opinions as near and dear. So, being that I've been on this big kick of trying to achieve self-actuality, be totally honest with myself and the world, and excise unnecessary stress (like the kind you might deal with if you were keeping a bunch of shit inside), I'm coming clean.

1. I don't like watching hour-long dramas. I've always been a sitcom person, but I never use to mind hour long dramas much, but lately, I can't stand them. They completely turn me off and make my head hurt. I think my attention span has changed some (hence the continued approval of sitcoms) but I also think I have no desire to watch drama when my life is... not fun. If I'm going to watch TV, it needs to take me out of my situation and make me laugh and/or feel happy.

2. For the most part, I hate action movies. When I see previews for those big, special effects extravaganzas, I yawn and roll my eyes. On Easter, my family was watching this movie Derailed (starring Denzel Washington, Chris Pine, and a train) and I was watching my aunt's dog.

3. He may in fact be batshit crazy and completely out of control, but I still love Charlie Sheen. I have for years and years now, and I probably always will.

4. I think they should outlaw child beauty pageants, and furthermore I think they should imprison stage moms.

5. I think different types of alcohol have different effects on the mood. White wine makes me happy and relaxed. Red wine makes me happy and overly-friendly. Cocktails make me giggly.

6. I'm attracted to a lot of male celebrities that aren't traditionally seen as heartthrobs such as Kevin Smith, Tyler Labine, the late Phil Hartman, the late John Ritter (although he was pretty damn cute in a totally traditional way during the Three's Company years), Brian Williams from the NBC Nightly News, Jon Stewart, and countless others.

7. Most celebrities and athletes are not admirable figures. No reality tv stars are in any way admirable.

8. While I really like several GaGa songs and totally appreciate what she's all about, I find her really overrated.

9. I think it's possible to like someone or something and find that thing overrated at the same time. This is how I feel about several things (like Lady GaGa, Family Guy, Twilight, and many others).

10. I don't find baseball boring (although I have no interest in playing it).

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