Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Watch film with commentary by blogger Buckingham Alice

So, as you’ll all recall, last time I posted on here, I mentioned the lack of cash at our house and how I may be losing my internet. Well, if my two month absence didn’t tell you, I did. And it’s still off… I’m at school for the moment. (Actually, I’m at school all day every day. I’m sitting idle in the tutoring center right now as my 11:00 class got cancelled… *sigh*.)

Well anyways, in the time I’ve been net-less, I’ve become the kind of person who devours DVD commentaries. I already was that way a bit, but I’ve gotten worse. I look forward to the commentary more than the show or movie in a lot of cases, and I hate to find that the filmmaker didn’t think to make me a commentary track. Due to this development, I’ve become the sort of person who knows the inside jokes that amuse the crap out of the guys who write, animate, and produce The Simpsons and a lot of the other shows I like. Kevin Smith movies have great commentary tracks because Kevin is a really funny guy… and Mosier is awesome.

The movie I’ve seen… now I need to know something about what happened behind the scenes. It makes me appreciate Mary Poppins more to know that Julie Andrews worked her ass off during the filming. I laugh a little harder at Mr. Burns jokes when I know that the writers purchased an entire dictionary of old-timey language to make him sound like that (and yes, sometimes I call people improvident lackwits when they don’t catch the aerogyros on time or give our car the proper amount of petroleum distolate).

Maybe this is me slipping farther into the nerdishness I’ve always suffered. Maybe that’s a good thing. It keeps me off the roof, anyways.

1 comment:

  1. I hate to find that the filmmaker didn’t think to make me a commentary full movies
