Monday, February 9, 2015

weird things

I've been doing pretty good.  I wrote a lot yesterday -- finished a 2,000 plus word fic and also did two blog posts on my Disney blog.  I was proud of that.  I hadn't been able to write for various reasons (writer's block, no motivation, etc) for a long, long time.  But predictably I'm now feeling lazy and useless and I don't want to write today's post.  It was a movie I like a lot... and I noticed that sometimes those are harder to write, idk.

Right now, I feel kind of weird.  Kind of low.  I don't know.  I don't know where it came from.

And I also just noticed that I have a lot of tension in my shoulders.  I could really go for a massage.  But even if I had money to do that (because they are expensive) I would hate having to be nude, even covered by a towel.  *sigh*  And obviously there's no one in my life that would even give me a simple shoulder rub, let alone a massage.

This saturday is Valentine's Day.  I'm going to spend it with O'Malley and Pluto... two guys who fight over me.

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