Thursday, December 24, 2015


It's weird sometimes when you're sad about things.  You know that in the long run this stuff isn't the worst thing that could happen, yet it still just feels too big to handle?  Like even though your shit is not that huge, it just is beating you.

I sometimes am hard on myself because of how sad and beat down I can get, and how things that I do feel others could tolerate just reduce me to tears.  I feel weak and mad at myself for being weak when it could be SO much worse.

But... I'm reminded of this image:

The artist states that they aren't responsible for the captions often accompanying the image, but the caption I've most often seen if "pain is relative."  And that's true, isn't it?  Because at different points in life, you're able to take more than at other points.  It isn't wrong... it's just... life.  Maybe with time I'll get stronger.  Maybe I'm stronger than I realize right now.  Or maybe I'll stay kind of weak but I'll make it anyways.  But just because other people have serious problems it doesn't make anyone else's problems less real.  When I get down on myself, I have to try and remember that it's VALID.  My feelings are valid... everyone's feelings are valid.  It's nothing to be ashamed of.

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