Friday, May 15, 2009

So it's over then.

I completed all my finals and it is now officially my summer vacation. Can I have a collective "WOOOOOOOH!" from all of my readers (if there are any... which I doubt but don't mind)?

I've been looking forward to having more leisure time. I can make more stupid youtube videos and take pictures of my dolls. That may be all I do though, since I don't have a life, lol. I'll also listen to music and OTR podcasts, talk to my cats, and write my every little thought on this blog and wonder why no one is interested. (I mean, I find me fascinating, lol.)

What was my point with this post? Oh yeah... summer. Well, I'm very happy the semester has ended, but there's at least one class that I wish had not ended. I kinda wish there was some way my music class could continue but the semester could still end. Pretty crazy, huh? There's a reason behind why I would want something like that, but I'm not really at liberty to discuss it right now.

iWant of the day: Aurora-Borealis Skirt


  1. I know why you'd want that!!
    And congrats on the semester ending... I've still got a while...


  2. That's how I feel about my chem class...but no deep reason, just because I like chem.

    Oh, and WOOOOH that your finals are over!
